Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What are you Thankful for?

Let's be honest with ourselves... How many of us do not really provide the thanks needed for what we receive? It is a fact that this world is full of negative thoughts, feelings, complaints and all around bickering on what is going terrible in our lives. Have you every truly sat down and wrote down EVERYTHING you are thankful for? Don't you think that if you were more thankful for what you have verses complaining about what you don't have... that things might all change for you? You might be able to be thankful for a whole lot more than just the small things when realizing that being Thankful for the small things is where you need to start.

Life is an Obstacle Course for ALL of us. Even those you think might have it all given to them, they have had their Obstacle Course also and are still on it. We all have our story... I grew up in a bad neighborhood, my parent's abused me, I was homeless, people always pick on me, nobody liked me in school, I went from home to home, trouble seems to always find me, I grew up and always have been poor... the list goes on and on.

Now what do you think can change this? What in this world will change a negative past in to a positive future? It is so simple... it is right in front of all of us... in the palm of our hands... YOU hold your future, YOU decide what you will do when those Obstacles come in your way, YOU are responsible for the outcome of your life, YOU bring into your life what you are thinking and feeling. So dwelling on what is so terrible in your life and in your past is just going to bring you more of that. Focusing on all the Positive aspects of your life and what your goals and dreams are will manifest them.

Take a step back... starting today BE THANKFUL for all the small things. The things that we all take for granted... the things that for us may seem terrible but for someone else would be a dream come true. The roof over our head, the food in our fridge, the car that we drive, the fact that we just had another day to enjoy in this world... I could think of a million things to be thankful for and I bet you could too.

This time of year during the Thanksgiving Season it is a time to give Thanks and receive Thanks, to give back, to donate and all around come together. Being Thankful should happen all year long, everyday. It should be something we do automatically. Something that when we wake up in the morning, we have a list of what to be thankful for...

Our children, families, roof over our head, food to eat, car to drive, friends, warm clothes, shoes on our feet, our jobs, our businesses, and the list goes on and on!

As you can see there are both sides... Positive and Negative. You need to decide what you need to focus on... The Negative or the Positive? Being ungrateful or being grateful? Giving Thanks or being Unthankful? Again, don't you think that if you were more grateful and thankful that there would be a lot more abundance of positve in your life and more to be thankful for coming your way? And just maybe the things you feel you are lacking or not receiving would end up being placed in your life?

Remember... to ALWAYS be Thankful for the small things so that you can soon be Thankful for the things you are striving for. The small things will come to be the most important to be Thankful of.

I am THANKFUL for my beautiful son, my family, my friends, those I am helping, the lives I am changing on my journey, my home, the shoes on my feet, the car that I drive, the road I have been blessed to choose, the blessings that came my way so far in this life and many, many more... THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for giving me the chance to bring my positive impact in this world and continue on this path of helping other's. No matter how big or small, I will always make it my purpose to help another and help change lives!

Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!