Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Do you remember the days of playing Stick-Ball in the street? Do you remember running through the sprinklers, and getting wet with the water hose? Do you remember hurting your stomach, and scraping your knees on the Slip and Slide…or better yet, not being able to slide all the way down the Slip and Slide cause you veered to the left and ended up on the grass? Do you remember being so excited about the Slip and Slide that you didn’t wait for your parents to wet it, and tried to slide down it anyway….talk about a pink-belly.

As adults, we’ve forgotten the simple things that used to make us happy. Now, it’s all work and no play. The only ‘playwe really get to have is either watching our favorite sports program at family and friend get-togethers, or going to the local bar to get sauced-up.

I often dream…’only if the Twilight Zone was real’. Do you remember the part in the Twilight Zone Movie with Scatman Crothers, where he was visiting the old-folks home? It was the part when he showed them the game of ‘kick-the-can’, and they all turned back to kids. Wouldn’t that be cool…if only we could do it for just a little while? I know most of us have children of our own, and can’t take time to play, but sometimes you gotta let your hair down….

Now-a-days, all we do (well at least me) is work. No fun, no games, no smiles…and with every passing work week, we always start our Monday’s off by saying “hey, how was your weekend?”…patiently waiting for the inevitable “too short” response that we always hear. Funny, huh? It’s always the 'same ol’ $^&%different day' with us adults. My mom often said “stay a kid as long as you can, cause once you grow up, you can’t go back”…and just like every ignorant kid, I responded with the “I can’t wait to grow up” line. Silly me….I’d pay through the nose to be a Toy’s R Us Kid again.

Those were the days when the biggest decision you had to make was deciding what game you were going to play….hide n’ seek, or hide n’ go get it ;-), or most important of all…what outfit you were going to wear on the first day of school. The only game I play now is, ‘let’s see who can dodge the credit card people’s phone calls the longest’. So sad...